We are proud to share that our 6th Article has been released at

SMLaNotiziaLondraXX6web.pdf (smphotonewsagency.com)

Below you can find a summary:

Every crack tells a story, a dialogue between the structure and the environment surrounding it. Understanding these stories, deciphering the signs, and acting with expertise is what we do every day in our studio, working with passion and dedication in Italy, England, and beyond.

Cracks in walls are not just aesthetic flaws but expressions of forces at play, changes, and sometimes warnings. Identifying the nature of the cracks is the first step toward an accurate diagnosis:

  • Hairline Cracks: These tiny fractures are like wrinkles on a building's skin, often harmless but not to be ignored. They signal minor surface settlements or small shifts in the plaster, and while not alarming, they require attention to prevent worsening.
  • Vertical Cracks: When we observe cracks running along the wall, we are seeing traces of a dialogue between the building and the ground beneath it. These signs may reflect the natural settling of the structure, which in most cases is normal. However, like any dialogue, if the tone or intensity changes, it must be listened to more carefully.
  • Horizontal Cracks: These cracks speak of horizontal pressures, forces pushing against the stability of your living space. Do not underestimate them. They often indicate that the structure is facing significant challenges, such as ground pressure or the failure of load-bearing elements.
  • Diagonal Cracks: Diagonal cracks are an alarm bell. When we see them, we see a more complex picture: foundations giving way, shifting soils, and the potential compromise of stability. In this case, professional evaluation is not just advised, it is necessary.
  • Stair-Step Cracks: These cracks, which follow the outline of the bricks, tell a story of differential stress in the foundation. They are signs that the building is struggling to maintain its balance, and in these situations, we intervene with all our expertise and precision.

Every building deserves the best. Here’s how we approach these challenges:

  • Careful Monitoring: Not all cracks are the same, and many can be managed through regular monitoring. We use advanced technologies to observe, measure, and predict the evolution of cracks. Prevention is our first line of defense.
  • Targeted Interventions: When a crack requires more than just monitoring, we intervene with tailor-made solutions. Whether it's resin injections to stabilize a wall or more complex structural reinforcements, our approach is always based on a precise diagnosis and the use of the most advanced technologies.
  • Ongoing Support and Consultancy: We never leave our clients alone. Every intervention is followed by a period of monitoring and consultancy to ensure that the solutions implemented are effective and long-lasting.
  • When Safety Requires Stepping Back: Working with buildings of all types, we know that sometimes safety requires difficult decisions. When cracks become a real threat to structural stability, the priority is to protect people. If the cracks widen quickly, if walls show signs of deformation, or if strange noises are heard, there should be no hesitation in advising the temporary evacuation of the building.

Natalia Giacomino Architects