
XI_An Train Station

XI_An Train Station

XI_An Train Station

Alessandro Baricco wrote in his book Lands of Glass:

"Trains are bullets and they are also their exact metaphors of destiny that are much more beautiful and much larger"

and also :

" They are like paintings, portraits"

This project aims to be the connection between the west and the east, between the past and the future, between the movement and the steadiness

The references of this project are:

• from the western side the paintings of the futurists such as the train and the rapidity.

• from the eastern side there is a recall of the beauty of the  nature such as the Hua Shan mountains .

The project is based on the duality of the calmness and on the fast movements.

Be peaceful in a place full of noise.

The peace is provided by the trees the contemporary warriors of the society!

The trees are providing inner peace.

As a main entrance and the representation of Xian, the train station must be majestic as the city itself and must provide a great impact. People must remember it ; indeed, all area has its own personality and character.

The plot is embracing and welcoming everyone.

The project is the result of the shape of the starting  plot, following the platform lines

It has been developed adding and subtracting volumes and lines like it was a paint, this is the reason that you have straight lines and curved combined together. It is the representation and the  combination of the humanity within the nature.

There are 3 main caves, the sculptural features that enhance the functions:

• the train station,

• the hall

• and the plaza.

The plaza is widely big to have enough space for the people to do events, it can be used to do evening or morning activities such as dance, fan-dance  or tai chi and of course as a meeting point. The concept is to give back to the people as much as public space with  the additional value of preserving the trees.

The hall will have all the collection ticket points, the help assistant, the security check

In between and at the edge of the 3 main sculpture, there are the buildings:

• the shopping,

• the hotel

• and the offices.

The offices are in front of the river so the people can enjoy the view  and as well they have the roof terrace that can be used after or during working hours.

The hotel is provided with lobby entrance, the restaurant, the gym, the conference hall, swimming pool and the roof garden.

Each part of the area is connected by pedestrian paths or bridges that connect the main buildings as well.

All the parking is thought in the basement level and the access are through a ramp located in the corner of the plot

The shape is conceived starting from the division of the rails, dividing by 3, it is the result of the division of the plot, providing all the required functions.

We took in consideration that must be representative of the majesty of the city and had to include the rapidity of the movement ( provided by the 3 main elements), at the same time had to keep the steady ness of the peaceful and calm personality ,inside the warriors.

The train station is conceived to have a contemporary "Aisles/Navate"


The reference of the Terra Cotta Warriors is provided by the Wide space with trees as a division.

The reference of the Hua Shan Mountain is provided by the 3 main features of the project.


All the paths and the areas are studied to be accessible free.

The connection of the west with the east is the rapidity with the slow motion.

Is the sequence of the rhythm.

It is a completely different vision in comparison of a normal train station.

The material of the main artistic feature is conceived in aluminium and the internal part it will be ROCKWOOL Denmark, using the same typology of the aquarium The Blue Planet ,to provide a great acoustic and a great shape, combining 200mm hard ROCKWOOL batts together with 75mm Super Venti-Batts.

The pavement of the area especially of the main square is though with the Pavegen to store the energy and the building can be self sufficient.